Lets Speak English Together
Let’s speak English, based in Broadstairs in Kent. We teach all aspects of the English language to students of all ages and nationalities. From speaking, spelling, reading and writing in English, to preparing CV’s and letter writing.
If you're here for the first time, these two pages were drawn after everything else to give some context to things. Specifically for the book! If you're reading this as it goes up, the book is 90% ready! I'm currently working on the extra content for the stretch goals, after which we should be all good to go! This week is major crackdown week! As for commentary on the page itself: My degree is technically 'Visual Communications Specializing in Sequential Art', which is very fancy for 'mostly drawin' comics'. It's from SCAD (The Savannah College of Art and Design), which I went to physically for a while and finished up online.
I also went to Sam Houston a bit before that! Which is a very good school to go to if you plan to major in Criminal Justice and not.
Which was something they offered for some reason. I applied to interac in the spring, which is off season, so I was sent to Japan during their fill in position period in October. This basically meant that I'd be dropped in to some schools in the middle of the year, which was a bit rough at first!!
But that's more a topic for the next page.
Sbornik makrosov excel. One of the most broadly used languages in the world. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states.
There are more people who have learned it as a second language than there are native speakers. It is characterized as the world’s first lingua franca and holds a leading position as an international language in the fields of communications, science, business, politics and diplomacy, entertainment, air navigation and radiocommunications. English is in general the universal language on the Internet, since much of the content produced is in English. So through it we have access to vast amounts of information that would not be accessible otherwise. Learning English has become much easier nowadays because of the everyday stimuli (movies, music, broadcasts, etc.), thus children from a very young age can speak and write effortlessly in English.